Since summer 2023, we at the Club of Rome – Austrian Chapter have been working on an Austria-wide campaign to implement a positive vision of the necessary transformation or, as written in the “Earth4All” report, a “Giant Leap” in Austria.

If women have better access to education, economic opportunities, decent jobs and all the life chances that go with them, this will lead to healthier, stronger and more resilient societies. It is at this point that the development trajectory of humanity and our planet in our century will be decided.

Earth4All (2022)

This reversal of inequality is based on three fundamental levers that enable continuous development towards a new economic paradigm:

  1. Stronger progressive taxation for individuals and large corporations and closing international loopholes are essential to tackle destabilizing inequality and excessive carbon and biosphere consumption.
  2. Empower workers – Governments should legislate to strengthen the rights of workers and trade unions. In a time of great change, workers need both protection and the opportunity to develop new skills.
  3. Governments should introduce citizens’ funds to give all citizens their fair share of national wealth and the global commons in the form of a universal basic dividend.

On this page, we document relevant events and workshops, publish interviews and contributions by qualified authors and will soon also present what we as the Club of Rome/Earth4All see as the consequences of this for Austria. We see all of this as contributions to a process that we believe should be initiated in Austria in the sense of a “turnaround in empowerment”.

Below you will find information on


Event website

for the 17. Mai 2024 “Change through new (gender &) power relations?”


Klima und Gender in den Industriestaaten –
Zusammenhänge und Chancen

CCCA Fact Sheet #46 | 2023 (German only)

Dass der Klimawandel menschengemacht ist und Industrienationen die Hauptverursacher:innen sind, wurde in zahlreichen Studien festgestellt und ist zweifellos bewiesen. „Der Mensch“ suggeriert jedoch eine Geschlechtsneutralität, die so nicht korrekt ist.

Autor:innen: Brigitte Ratzer (TU Wien), Maciej Palucki (BOKU), Claudia Michl (CCCA, BOKU). PDF